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Внеклассное мероприятие “SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY”

Дата публикации: 26 ноября 2012

Обучающаянаучить связному монологическому высказыванию по теме «День святого Валентина».
Развивающая:  развить коммуникативные навыки и навыки письменной речи по теме.
Воспитательнаясформировать у учащихся познавательный интерес и уважение к истории  стран изучаемого языкарасширить кругозор учащихся.

Тренировать учащихся в чтении  с полным пониманием прочитанного.
Учить учащихся работать с текстомвыполняя различные лексико – грамматические упражнения.
Учить учащихся логическому построению устных высказываний на английском языке по теме.
Развивать навыки аудированияговоренияписьма.

Оснащение мероприятия:ноутбукпроектор с экраномколонкипрезентация с необходимым материалом (Приложение1), раздаточный материал.


I. Организационный момент
Приветствиецелевая установкабеседа с учащимися по теме «Праздники».

II. Вступление
Звучит музыкана фоне которой читается учителем стихотворение.

Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s  Day
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window
To be your Valentine.

William Shakespeare
from “Hamlet”, Act IV, Scene V

Dear boys and girls,  now you’ll see a game “Saint Valentine’s Day”. Two teams will take part in the game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.

1. Read and translate the information about  Saint Valentine’s Day(Приложение1)

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and friendship.Love and friendship are very important parts of our lives.Valentine’s Day is time to tell people that we like or love them.We can do this in a number of ways throughout the year.Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and friendship.
Love and friendship are very important parts of our lives. Valentine’s Day is time to tell people that we like or love them.We can do this in a number of ways throughout the year.
Valentine’s Day is a traditional celebration. It is not a religious or a legal holiday. After Christmas it is the most popular holiday. The traditions of the holidays go back in time even before Saint Valentine. Some of these traditions concern stories of ancient gods and goddesses of love.
There are several legends about St.Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3.centure A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teaching and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle-he cured his jailer s daughter  of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her  a letter signed “From your Valentine”.
According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time.
Hеwas thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burned at the stake.
Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.
February 14 was also a Roman holiday. On this day the young men randomly chose the name of the girl to escort to the festival. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this day became very popular in the medieval Europe.
Now, St. Valentine’s Day is the day of the sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends, relatives and loved ones that they care. People send sweets or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send “valentines”, greeting cards named after St.Valentine’s letters written from jail.
Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly.Valentines can be anonymous, heart-shared or carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.
The red heart is also an old symbol of love.Centuries ago, people thought the heart was the centre of our feelings.
Flowers have been symbols of love and happiness for a long time.Today, people often send flowers as gifts. Or they use them as decorations on Valentine’s Day.
Flowers can send some specific messages. The language of flowers developed over a period of centuries.
For instance, to some people, an iris added to a bouquet of flowers sends a message all its own.
It means “Look at the other flowers and see what they say.”
Red tulips are a decoration of love. Yellow tulips mean “My love seems hopeless”.
Since earliest times, roses have been prized as the most beautiful of flowers.The rose was sacred         to Venus, the ancient goddess of love. On Valentine’s Day, one rose or a dozen means “I love you”.
The violet has a special Valentine’s Day meaning.The legend has it that violets grew outside the window of the jail where Saint Valentine was imprisoned.
Some stories say Valentine was able to reach out and spell messages with flowers.
Perhaps one of the oldest Valentine’s Day customs is sending valentines.
Sending valentines became very popular. There were even books explaining how to write valentine messages and verses.
Of course, there are all kinds of valentines. They can be sweet and romantic.

2. Do some exercises using the information about «Saint Valentine’s Day».
2.1. Find(at least 28  or more)  words about Saint Valentine’s Day» (Приложение2)
2.2.Test. Choose the right item

1. British people are … of their traditions.
а) dedicated
b) proud
c) pride

2. Valentine s Day is a day to celebrate…
a) Feelings
b) romance
c) friendship and love

3. On this day people share feelings of attention with friends, family and …

а) flowers
b) sweethearts
c) acquaintances

4. The … has a special meaning. The legend has it that they grew outside the window of the jail where Valentine was imprisoned.
а) rose
b) violet
c) red tulip

5. Some valentine-cards are funny, they have….messаges.
a) loving
b) humorous
c) romance

2.3.Complete the sentences
1. Yellow tulips mean…
2. Red tulips are…
3. An iris added to a bouquet of flowers means…
4. One rose or a dozen means…
5. Violets grew outside the window of the jail where…
6. Valentines can be…

2.4.Match the words in the columnssweet
love and
to cure of
all kinds of
to be put into
a declaration of
Valentine s
symbols of
to send
celebrate         prist
sweethearts (couples)

2.5.Unscramble the Valentine words:enlavniet
bsmsylo           elvo

2.6.Guess the crossword

7) 8)
3 6)
4) 4
2) 2

A special card sent on St. Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous.
An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put your hand over this organ you can feel it beating!
This verb means “to make an offer of marriage”, a true men will always kneel in a front of a woman before asking her to become his wife!
A jar or container that you use for displaying flowers. This is often filled with roses on St. Valentine’s Day!
This colour is a symbol of love.

One of the symbols of Saint Valentine’s day.
A sweet brown treat that is made from cocoa powder, milk and sugar, very tasty.
A person whom someone loves. This word is often used in Valentine poems: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Honey’s sweet .And so are you. I’ll be your – …If you’ll be mine, All my life, I’ll be your Valentine.
A very strong feeling of liking someone.
If a boy is completely in love with a girl, we say: “He is head over … in love with her!”
A woman who is about to be married or just married.
Something that is given as a gift on Valentine’s Day, like a box of chocolates.
A man who is about to be married or just married.

2.7. Translate  the sentence into English:
Любовьпреодолевает  всепреграды.

2.8Find as many words as you can in these phrases: “Sant Valentine’s Day”; “sweethearts”
– You should find at least 9  or more  words.
– Answers will vary and there are MANY words to make. Some words include:sweet
saw      vase
2.9. Name the other part from the couple:
… &     Juliet
Prince Charles  &  …
Phiona  &     …
…  &   Edward
Alladin  & …
Will Smith   &  …
… &   Izolda
Kate Holmes & …
… & Cinderella
Cameron Diaz  & …

2.10. Look at the fotos and guess who is who?

2.11. Answer the questions: 
There is only one legend about Saint Valentine, is there?
What legends do you know about Valentine?
Why do people call him  ‘saint Valentine’?
Are there any symbols of Saint Valentine’s Day? Can you name some of  them?
What can you tell about messages to  Saint Valentine’s Day?
Which of them do you like best of all? Why?
Do you like this holiday? Why?

2.12. Translate into English
1. Cвятой Валентин был сожжён на столбе.
2. Его бросили в тюрьму.
3. Цветы, сердце, кольца-символы любви.
4. Валентинки могут быть милыми и романтичными или забавными и дружескими.
5. Валентин тайно женил влюблённых.
6. Красная роза-символ Дня святого Валентина.
7. Одна из легенд  говорит, что фиалки росли за окном камеры, в которую был брошен святой Валентин.
8. Цветы стали символом любви и счастья на долгое время.
9. Посылая  валентинки мы говорим людям, что любим их или они нам нравятся.
10. День святого Валентина – это традиционный популярный, но не религиозный  праздник. Это праздник любви и дружбы
11. Есть много легенд о Дне святого Валентина .
12. Одна из легенд говорит, что Валентин был христианским священником, другая гласит, что он был итальянским епископом.
13. Валентин писал детям и друзьям, кто его любил, из тюрьмы.

2.13. Write your congratulations to Saint Valentine’s Day
Учащиеся пишут поздравления с Днём святого Валентина к слайдам.

2.14. Tell the summery of  Saint Valentine’s Day

III. Заключительный этап
Звучит музыка, на фоне которой читается учителем стихотворение.
Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s  Day
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window
To be your Valentine.

William Shakespeare
from “Hamlet”, Act IV,Scene V

Подведение итогов.